Korean Air direct flight to Lisbon takes off at Incheon Airport

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Korean Air direct flight to Lisbon takes off at Incheon Airport

Korean Air CEO Yoo Ki-hong, fifth from right, poses with Portuguese Ambassador to Korea Susana Vaz Patto, sixth from right, at an event commemorating the launch of a flight from Incheon to Lisbon on Wednesday. [INCHEON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CORPORATION]

Korean Air CEO Yoo Ki-hong, fifth from right, poses with Portuguese Ambassador to Korea Susana Vaz Patto, sixth from right, at an event commemorating the launch of a flight from Incheon to Lisbon on Wednesday. [INCHEON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CORPORATION]

Korean Air CEO Yoo Ki-hong, fifth from right, poses with Portuguese Ambassador to Korea Susana Vaz Patto, sixth from right, at an event commemorating the launch of a flight from Incheon to Lisbon on Wednesday.
Flight, KE921 boarding from Gate 232 at Incheon International Airport, will take three flights per week midday on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. Another Lisbon-bound flight, KE922, will depart in the evening on the same days. The routes are the only direct flights from Northeast Asia to the European city.
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