Yoon promotes Korea's global role at cybersecurity summit in Seoul

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Yoon promotes Korea's global role at cybersecurity summit in Seoul

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President Yoon Suk Yeol delivers a congratulatory address during the opening ceremony of the 2024 Cyber Summit Korea at COEX in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, on Wednesday. [YONHAP]

President Yoon Suk Yeol delivers a congratulatory address during the opening ceremony of the 2024 Cyber Summit Korea at COEX in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, on Wednesday. [YONHAP]

President Yoon Suk Yeol proclaimed Korea’s responsibility and role in global cybersecurity and attended a new cybersecurity training exercise during the 2024 Cyber Summit Korea (CSK) at COEX in southern Seoul on Wednesday.
CSK 2024, which runs through Thursday, is the inaugural summit held in Seoul and is co-hosted by the National Intelligence Service (NIS) and the National Security Research Institute. This year’s summit, under the theme “A Step Ahead in Artificial Intelligence, Quantum, Space Era and Global Cybersecurity,” features discussions on various cybersecurity issues, including international cooperation on cyber threats.
“The Republic of Korea has been continuously developing its cybersecurity system in response to cyberattacks from hostile forces, such as North Korea,” said Yoon during his congratulatory address, referring to South Korea by its official name. “We will work with the international community to uphold the values of freedom, human rights, and the rule of law in cyberspace and contribute to the safety and prosperity of global citizens.
“In the age of the digital revolution, cyberspace has become a critical infrastructure for nations, and in recent years, the combination of advanced technologies such as AI, quantum computing, and aerospace has exponentially expanded the benefits to our society and industries,” continued Yoon. “But as the benefits have grown, so have the challenges and threats.”

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Outlining such challenges and threats, Yoon stressed the need for commitment to international cooperation to jointly combat transnational cyber threats.
Yoon also expressed his hope that the “CSK will evolve into an active forum for communication and cooperation where top experts from various countries come together to overcome the challenges ahead and build a more robust cybersecurity infrastructure.”
Yoon further outlined the South Korean government’s policy direction regarding cybersecurity, stating that “we are boldly improving our government IT security and encryption policies to meet global standards, in line with the hyper-connected AI era, ensuring rapid and extensive utilization of public data.”
During the summit on Wednesday, Yoon visited exhibitions showcasing advanced technology and cybersecurity companies and attended briefings, observing demonstrations from the NIS on cyberattack detection and response processes.
Yoon also attended the first International Cyber Training (APEX) exercise led by South Korea, a commitment made during July’s NATO summit in Washington.
Wednesday’s opening ceremony of the CSK was attended by around 70 officials from 17 countries, including top diplomats stationed in South Korea, and by National Assembly Intelligence Committee Chairperson Shin Sung-bum. Science Minister Yoo Sang-im and Digital Platform Government Committee Chair Kim Chang-kyung, as well as Special Advisor to the President for Cyber Lim Jong-in and Deputy National Security Advisor Wang Yun-jong, also attended.

BY LIM JEONG-WON [lim.jeongwon@joongang.co.kr]
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