Korea, Finland discuss defense, technology cooperation at forum in Seoul

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Korea, Finland discuss defense, technology cooperation at forum in Seoul

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Minister of Defense of Finland Antti Hakkanen speaks during the 2024 Korea-Finland Innovation Forum themed “Emerging Dual-Use Technologies” held at the Samsung Convention Center inside the Seoul National University campus in Gwanak District, southern Seoul, on Monday. [EMBASSY OF FINLAND]

Minister of Defense of Finland Antti Hakkanen speaks during the 2024 Korea-Finland Innovation Forum themed “Emerging Dual-Use Technologies” held at the Samsung Convention Center inside the Seoul National University campus in Gwanak District, southern Seoul, on Monday. [EMBASSY OF FINLAND]

Discussions to strengthen defense and technology cooperation between Korea and Finland were held on Monday during the 2024 Korea-Finland Innovation Forum, which was themed “Emerging Dual-Use Technologies.”
Attendees included Finnish Defense Minister Antti Hakkanen as well as Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) Minister Seok Jong-gun. 
A memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Seoul National University and Aalto University in Finland was signed during the forum, held at the Samsung Convention Center on the Seoul National University campus in Gwanak District, southern Seoul.
With the MOU, Korean and Finnish institutions will expand their international exchange cooperation in various fields including research cooperation and student exchange, and SNU and the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland are expected to expand their research cooperation in aerospace dual-use technology.
After the MOU signing, introduction and case presentations of advanced civil-military dual-use technologies in Korea and Finland were given during the forum. In particular, Ari Aalto, vice president of Safe and Connected Society at VTT Technical Research Centre and Professor Kee Chang-don of the Institute of Advanced Aerospace Technology at SNU introduced the current status and prospects of developing dual-use technologies in both countries.
The forum was followed by panel discussions on three topics: cybersecurity, communications in Earth and space, and tactical and strategic solutions.
“The MOU signed today will contribute to advancing technological and research cooperation between the two countries,” said Finnish Defense Minister Hakkanen. “Democratic countries should be at the forefront of technological development and innovation worldwide.”
Finland signed a contract to buy 48 secondhand K9 self-propelled howitzers in 2017 and another deal to buy 10 new K9s in October 2021 as an option for the 2017 contract.
Finland, which shares a 1,340-kilometer border with Russia, recently joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and is playing an important role in the international security environment beyond Europe.

BY LIM JEONG-WON [lim.jeongwon@joongang.co.kr]
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