Autumn heat wave grips Korea with record high temperatures in Seoul

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Autumn heat wave grips Korea with record high temperatures in Seoul

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A screen installed on the road in South Chungcheong shows that a heat wave warning has been issued on Tuesday. [NEWS1]

A screen installed on the road in South Chungcheong shows that a heat wave warning has been issued on Tuesday. [NEWS1]

An Autumn heat wave grilled the nation on Wednesday afternoon, with the state weather agency issuing related advisories and warnings for most regions of the country.
The daytime high was recorded at 34.6 degrees Celsius (94 degrees Fahrenheit) in Seoul, according to the Korea Meteorological Administration. The agency said the reading in the capital was a record high in 85 years for September as of 5:20 p.m. on Wednesday.
Earlier in the day, the authority said the perceived temperature would surpass 33 degrees Celsius in most regions — the threshold for heat wave advisories — while in some areas, it could exceed 35 degrees Celsius, the threshold for warnings. 
As of 4 p.m., the highest perceived temperature marked 37.2 degrees Celsius in Yongin in southern region of Gyeonggi. At the same time, Seoul's perceived temperature was 34.6 degrees Celsius.
The agency issued heat wave advisories and warnings for nearly all regions, excluding the east coast areas of Gangwon, inland areas of North Gyeongsang and Jeju's Mount Halla.
At 5 p.m., the weather agency downgraded the heat wave warnings for Seoul, Gyeonggi and Chungcheong to advisories.
The weather agency also said that overnight temperatures in the capital remained above 25 degrees Celsius on Tuesday, marking the latest tropical night since modern meteorological observation began. Jeju Island experienced the tropical night phenomenon for a record 65 consecutive days. 
The heat wave warnings and advisories are expected to be lifted in the evening as the agency forecasts that evening temperatures will drop with the arrival of rain showers and downpours.
The agency predicted that overnight rain in the capital will weaken the heat wave, forecasting a daily high on Thursday below 30 degrees Celsius.
The Gangwon region and the greater Seoul area — encompassing the capital, Gyeonggi and Incheon — are likely to see precipitation between five and 30 millimeters (0.19 to 1.18 inches).
The Chungcheong regions, South Jeolla and Gyeongsang provinces will see rainfall between five and 60 millimeters.
Jeju Island is expected to experience downpours until Thursday, with precipitation between 10 and 80 millimeters. Mountainous regions on the island could receive more than 100 millimeters of rainfall. 
Update, Sept.11, 2;10 p.m. : Added details of perceived temperatures as of 12 p.m. and rain.
Update, Sept.11, 5;40 p.m. : Lede changed and added changes in special weather reports and record-high temperatures. 

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