HD Hyundai to promote eco-friendly ships at Gastech 2024

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HD Hyundai to promote eco-friendly ships at Gastech 2024

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A render of HD Hyundai's booth at the U.S. gas exhibition Gastech 2024 scheduled to be held in Houston from next Tuesday to Friday. [HD HYUNDAI]

A render of HD Hyundai's booth at the U.S. gas exhibition Gastech 2024 scheduled to be held in Houston from next Tuesday to Friday. [HD HYUNDAI]

HD Hyundai will showcase its latest decarbonization technologies and earn multiple technological licenses at the U.S. gas industry exhibition Gastech 2024 that in Houston, Texas, next week.
HD Hyundai Vice Chairman Chung Ki-sun and employees from sales, research and development, and engineering will attend the event held from Tuesday to Friday. Over 800 companies and some 50,000 visitors are expected to participate.
HD Hyundai’s 420 square-meter (4,521 square-foot) booth will consist of displays from HD Hyundai Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering, HD Hyundai Heavy Industries, HD Hyundai Mipo, HD Hyundai Samho, HD Hyundai Marine Solution and HD Hyundai Electric. The conglomerate’s eco-friendly ship models such as its liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers and Floating Storage and Regasification Units (FSRU) will be featured.

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The conglomerate will obtain 16 technological licenses and sign partnerships with multiple companies. It will receive approval in principle (AIP) from Norway’s Det Norske Veritas, an Oslo-based marine-shipping registrar.
An AIP certification indicates that the reviewed technology meets safety and feasibility standards for application.
It will also be certified for unmanned engine room design and safety-monitoring technologies for ammonia-fueled ships from the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), a maritime classification society.
Other certifications will be issued for its eco-friendly bunkering ships, such as from Britain’s Lloyd’s Register for its 23,000-cubic-meter ammonia bunkering ship, and from the Korean Register (KR) for its 18,000-cubic-meter LNG carrier.
HD Hyundai will also host a seminar on topics related to gas carriers, electric propulsion systems and HD Hyundai’s road map on digital transformation on the exhibition’s opening day. 

BY LEE JAE-LIM [lee.jaelim@joongang.co.kr]
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