HD Hyundai Electric breaks ground on circuit breaker smart factory

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HD Hyundai Electric breaks ground on circuit breaker smart factory

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HD Hyundai Electric held a groundbreaking ceremony on Tuesday for the establishment of its smart factory in Cheongju Central Valley in North Chungcheong. From left, Cheongju mayor Lee Beom-seok, Kim Young-hwan, governor of North Chungcheong province, HD Hyundai Chairman Kwon Oh-gap and HD Hyundai Electric CEO Cho Seok pose for the photo during the event. [HD HYUNDAI]

HD Hyundai Electric held a groundbreaking ceremony on Tuesday for the establishment of its smart factory in Cheongju Central Valley in North Chungcheong. From left, Cheongju mayor Lee Beom-seok, Kim Young-hwan, governor of North Chungcheong province, HD Hyundai Chairman Kwon Oh-gap and HD Hyundai Electric CEO Cho Seok pose for the photo during the event. [HD HYUNDAI]

HD Hyundai Electric will build a smart factory for low- and medium-voltage circuit breakers in Cheongju, North Chungcheong, in a bid to strengthen its competitiveness in the distribution equipment sector.
The electric power affiliate of HD Hyundai held a groundbreaking ceremony on Tuesday for the smart factory in Cheongju Central Valley attended by HD Hyundai Chairman Kwon Oh-gap, HD Hyundai Electric CEO Cho Seok, Kim Young-hwan, governor of North Chungcheong province, and Cheongju mayor Lee Beom-seok.
The facility is scheduled to complete construction in October 2025.
Through the new smart factory, HD Hyundai Electric aims to automate its production lines and logistics, as well as deploy AI in its supply management to complete such tasks as forecasting demand, manufacturing and managing inventory for finished products.
The energy solutions firm forecasts the distribution equipment market to be emerging as a new growth engine with the expansion of data centers following a surge in demand for AI, leading to a boost in power demand.
Low- and medium-voltage circuit breakers, which are part of distribution equipment, play a crucial role in blocking additional power inflow during power load occurrences.
HD Hyundai Electric plans to double its production capacity of circuit breakers to 13 million units by 2030 through the new factory.
“The new factory will become the world’s leading production base for distribution equipment, integrating advanced technology and automation systems,” Kwon said in a statement. “We will prioritize mutual growth with the local community by contributing to the creation of quality jobs and the development of the local economy in the Cheongju region."

BY LEE JAE-LIM [lee.jaelim@joongang.co.kr]
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