Sarang Festival's 10th edition to celebrate Indian culture through dance, music and food

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Sarang Festival's 10th edition to celebrate Indian culture through dance, music and food

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Indian Ambassador to Korea Amit Kumar speaks about the 10th Sarang: The Festival of India during a media briefing on Thursday at the Embassy of India in central Seoul. [EMBASSY OF INDIA IN SEOUL]

Indian Ambassador to Korea Amit Kumar speaks about the 10th Sarang: The Festival of India during a media briefing on Thursday at the Embassy of India in central Seoul. [EMBASSY OF INDIA IN SEOUL]

The 10th edition of the Sarang Festival will take place from Oct. 1 to 9 across various locations in Korea, showcasing Indian art, dance, music, films and cuisine. 
Organized annually by the Indian Embassy in Seoul, the festival's opening event will feature a Kuchipudi dance performance at Yonsei University on Oct. 1. For the first time, the embassy will also participate in the 29th Busan International Film Festival with an India booth. 
"One key objective of the Sarang Festival is to enhance people-to-people exchanges," Indian Ambassador to Korea Amit Kumar said during the briefing. "We firmly believe that these will lead to a more vibrant and resilient partnership between our two countries."

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