Renault Korea's union launch full-scale strike over stalled wage talks

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Renault Korea's union launch full-scale strike over stalled wage talks

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Renault Korea Motors' Busan plant [RENAULT KOREA MOTORS]

Renault Korea Motors' Busan plant [RENAULT KOREA MOTORS]

Unionized workers of Renault Korea, the Korean branch of French automaker Renault, launched a full-scale walkout on Friday after wage negotiations made little progress, company officials said.
The union of Renault Korea has been on a partial strike since Tuesday over the wage dispute, as a tentative agreement between management and the union fell through with 64.8 percent of union members voting against it on Sept. 6.

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It was unclear how the full-scale strike would affect production at Renault Korea's plant in the southeastern port city of Busan. As Renault Korea was set to begin delivery this month of the Grand Koleos SUV, its first new vehicle in four years, the walkout may cause delays in the schedule.
However, the company has dispatched some employees who have volunteered to work to the plant to prevent production lines from being fully suspended.
An official at Renault Korea said the company has kept the door open to negotiations with the union.

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