IU donates 225 million won to charity on 16th anniversary of debut

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IU donates 225 million won to charity on 16th anniversary of debut

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IU donated 225 million won ($169,599) to celebrate the 16th anniversary of her professional singing career on Wednesday, her agency, EDAM Entertainment, said the same day. 
Under the name IUaena — a portmanteau of the singer's stage name, IU, and her official fan club Uaena — the artist donated to Korea Children's Incurable Disease AssociationMilk Delivery For the Well-Being Of the ElderlyHansarang Village and Hansarang Disabled Infants' Home.

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The money will fund treatment, education, psychological counseling and medical supplies for children with rare or incurable diseases; milk and milk delivery for older adults living alone; elevators at facilities for disabled people; and new facilities at infant care centers. 
IU is an active philanthropist who regularly donates money to mark the anniversary of her debut as well as her birthdays and national holidays.
The singer is slated to hold a two-day concert on Sept. 20 and 21 at the Seoul World Cup Stadium in Mapo District, western Seoul. 

BY LEE JIAN [lee.jian@joongang.co.kr]
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