LG Electronics to collaborate with Ricoh to boost B2B sector

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LG Electronics to collaborate with Ricoh to boost B2B sector

Paik Ki-mun, left, head of LG Electronics' information display business division, and Takahiro Irisa, president of digital services at Ricoh, shake hands in a signing ceremony in Seoul. [LG ELECTRONICS]

Paik Ki-mun, left, head of LG Electronics' information display business division, and Takahiro Irisa, president of digital services at Ricoh, shake hands in a signing ceremony in Seoul. [LG ELECTRONICS]

LG Electronics said Thursday it has joined hands with global office solutions provider Ricoh to enhance its business-to-business (B2B) sector, a key growth driver for the Korean home appliance firm.
Under the memorandum of understanding, the two companies will collaborate to develop and offer services that support digital transformation for enterprises, according to LG Electronics.
Ricoh's expertise in the office solutions industry will be integrated with LG's corporate display product lineup and other B2B solutions to provide comprehensive offerings for businesses.
Ricoh, a Japanese multinational specializing in imaging, electronics and software as a service (SaaS), is known for its products, such as printers and photocopiers, and will leverage its technological capabilities to complement LG Electronics' B2B services.

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