Vienna to host Austria's first large-scale Korean contemporary art exhibition

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Vienna to host Austria's first large-scale Korean contemporary art exhibition

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″Freedom Village″ (2017-23) by artist duo Moon Kyung-won and Jeon Joon-ho [MINISTRY OF CULTURE, SPORTS AND TOURISM]

″Freedom Village″ (2017-23) by artist duo Moon Kyung-won and Jeon Joon-ho [MINISTRY OF CULTURE, SPORTS AND TOURISM]

The Korean Cultural Center in Vienna is hosting an art exhibition titled “Forms of the Shadow” at the Secession Building from Friday to Nov. 17.
The exhibition was curated by Kim Sun-jung, the artistic director of the Art Sonje Center in Jongno District, central Seoul.

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"Forms of the Shadow" is the first large-scale exhibition in Austria showcasing Korean contemporary art. It is comprised of artworks that explore the “shadows” of the world, like the pandemic, climate change and geopolitical tensions.
Participating artists include Lee Bul, Hague Yang, Ham Kyung-ah, duo Moon Kyung-won and Jeon Joon-ho, Lim Min-ouk, Yoon Jin-me and Hong Young-in.
Through sculptures, installations, photographs, embroidery and video works, the exhibition also deals with the coexistence of humans and nature and offers a positive outlook for the future.
“Forms of the Shadow” is available to view every Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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