LG continues endangered species video series in New York's Times Square

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LG continues endangered species video series in New York's Times Square

A 3-D video, featuring a sea lion, by LG Electronics debuts in New York's Times Square on Tuesday. [LG ELECTRONICS]

A 3-D video, featuring a sea lion, by LG Electronics debuts in New York's Times Square on Tuesday. [LG ELECTRONICS]

A 3-D video, featuring a sea lion, by LG Electronics debuts in New York's Times Square on Tuesday.
The video is part of the Korean electronics giant's LG Endangered Species Series campaign to promote the protection of endangered and recovered species. The series started on April 17 with a video of a snow leopard. The company partnered with Discovery Education and the National Wildlife Federation to provide an educational series for U.S. elementary to high school students about preserving wildlife and a sustainable ecosystem.
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