Celltrion establishes Vietnamese office, eyes sale approvals by end of year

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Celltrion establishes Vietnamese office, eyes sale approvals by end of year

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Celltrion headquarters in Songdo, Incheon [CELLTRION]

Celltrion headquarters in Songdo, Incheon [CELLTRION]

Celltrion established a Vietnamese entity in a move to accelerate its market penetration into the Southeast Asian country.
The Incheon-based drugmaker aims to receive sale approvals from the Vietnamese regulator by the end of this year for its four biosimilar products — Remsima, Remsima SC, Truxima and Herzuma.
Celltrion said that it plans to expand the marketing and sales personnel at the Vietnamese office to double digits this year. Celltrion founder and Chairman Seo Jung-jin will personally spearhead the market expansion and marketing activities in the country, according to the company.

BY SHIN HA-NEE [shin.hanee@joongang.co.kr]
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