Celltrion's SteQeyma approved to treat inflammatory disease in Britain

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Celltrion's SteQeyma approved to treat inflammatory disease in Britain

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Celltrion headquarters in Incheon [CELLTRION]

Celltrion headquarters in Incheon [CELLTRION]

Celltrion’s SteQeyma, a copycat drug of Janssen's blockbuster immunotherapy Stelara, received approval in Britain, the Incheon-based biopharmaceutical company said Wednesday.

British Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency approved the drug for the treatment of multiple chronic inflammatory diseases in gastroenterology, dermatology and rheumatology.


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Celltrion has received approval for its biosimilar ustekinumab product, branded as SteQeyma, by regulators in Korea, Canada and the European Commission so far.

Ustekinumab sales volume was estimated at $20.4 billion globally last year, according to market tracker IQVIA.

“As the United Kingdom has been implementing policy measures in favor of biosimilar products, we believe our biosimilar drugs, including SteQeyma, will be able to secure a bigger presence in the British market in the future,” said a spokesperson for Celltrion.

BY SHIN HA-NEE [shin.hanee@joongang.co.kr]
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