Woowa Brothers appoints Turkish delivery service founder as new CEO

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Woowa Brothers appoints Turkish delivery service founder as new CEO

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 A Baedal Minjok rider delivers takeout food [NEWS1]

A Baedal Minjok rider delivers takeout food [NEWS1]

Woowa Brothers, the operator of the food delivery platform Baedal Minjok, appointed the founder of a Turkish food delivery service as its new CEO.
Austin Kim founded Trendyol Go, a food delivery service in Turkey hosted on Trendyol, a Turkish e-commerce platform. Kim will be replacing the current interim CEO, Pieter-Jan Vandepitt, according to local media reports Monday.

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Vandepitt was appointed as the interim CEO of Woowa Brothers after its former CEO, Lee Gul-hwan, resigned due to personal reasons in July. It was speculated that the resignation was a result of a worsened relationship with Delivery Hero, the German company that owns the majority of Baedal Minjok.
Kim also worked for Uber and Spanish delivery service Glovo before moving to Trendyol. 

BY CHO YONG-JUN [cho.yongjun1@joongang.co.kr]
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