North Korean leader calls to swiftly rebuild homes in flood-hit regions

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North Korean leader calls to swiftly rebuild homes in flood-hit regions

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, center, gives ″field guidance″ to the flood-stricken regions of North Phyongan Province on Sunday, in a photo released by the North's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) Monday. [YONHAP]

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, center, gives ″field guidance″ to the flood-stricken regions of North Phyongan Province on Sunday, in a photo released by the North's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) Monday. [YONHAP]

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has called for the swift rebuilding of homes in flood-devastated regions in the country's northwest, state media reported Monday.
Kim made the remarks during a "field guidance" visit to the flood-stricken regions of North Phyongan Province on Sunday, according to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

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Late July's heavy rains inundated large areas along the Amnok River, with some South Korean media outlets speculating that the number of people who died or went missing could exceed 1,000.
During the visit, Kim said that "all the builders should complete the housing construction on the highest level in the shortest time by directing redoubled efforts and sincerity to provide the people in the flood-hit areas with houses for happy living."
Kim again emphasized that the quality of construction is not merely a matter of addressing the aftermath of a natural disaster but a critical process in implementing the party's far-reaching program for regional development.
North Korea has been prioritizing economic development in backward provinces, following Kim's commitment to modernizing factories in 20 counties over the next decade. The country's "20-10 Regional Development Policy" aims to raise what the regime refers to as the basic material and cultural living standards of the people.
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