Survey finds 799 students, 31 teachers victims of deepfake videos

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Survey finds 799 students, 31 teachers victims of deepfake videos

A total of 799 students from elementary to high school have fallen victim to deepfake videos this year, along with 31 teachers, a recent survey showed Monday.
The Ministry of Education disclosed the figures from its recent survey, revealing that 833 people were victimized by deepfake videos between Jan. 1 and Oct. 27, including three school employees.

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During this period, 504 damage reports were filed with schools, including 279 from high schools and 209 from middle schools.
Of the total cases, 417 have been referred to authorities for investigation, including 223 from high schools, while 218 have been referred for deletion, the survey showed.
Korea has seen a surge of deepfake sex crimes involving the manipulation of women's facial images, raising public alarm.
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