BTS member Suga fined 15 million won for e-scooter DUI incident

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BTS member Suga fined 15 million won for e-scooter DUI incident

BTS member Suga enters the Yongsan Police Station in central Seoul to be questioned by police on his DUI allegation on Aug. 23. [NEWS1]

BTS member Suga enters the Yongsan Police Station in central Seoul to be questioned by police on his DUI allegation on Aug. 23. [NEWS1]

BTS member Suga was fined 15 million won ($11,500) for his e-scooter DUI incident, according to legal sources Monday. 
The 31-year-old singer, whose real name is Min Yoon-gi, received the same fine requested by the prosecution from the Seoul Western District Court. 


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Suga was fined through a summary order, where the court imposes the necessary penalties without holding a trial.  
He was investigated for driving an e-scooter while intoxicated on Aug. 6 in central Seoul. His blood alcohol level was 0.227 percent at the time, nearly three times higher than the 0.08 percent threshold for revoking a driver's license. 

As Suga’s blood alcohol level exceeded 0.2 percent, which can result in a prison sentence of two to five years or a fine between 10 million won and 20 million won.

The singer is currently fulfilling his mandatory military service as a social service agent, a role that typically involves a regular daily work schedule, allowing him to return home after work hours. His service is set to end in June 2025.

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