Yoon calls to uncover truth behind controversial appointment of national football coach

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Yoon calls to uncover truth behind controversial appointment of national football coach

Hong Myung-bo, head coach of Korea men's national football team, speaks during a press conference in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Monday. [YONHAP]

Hong Myung-bo, head coach of Korea men's national football team, speaks during a press conference in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Monday. [YONHAP]

President Yoon Suk Yeol instructed the Sports Ministry to uncover the truth behind the appointment of the national football team's head coach and come up with measures to enhance transparency in the hiring process.
Yoon made the call after Culture, Sports and Tourism Minister Yu In-chon briefed him on the ministry's probe into the Korea Football Association (KFA)'s controversial selection of Hong Myung-bo as the head coach of the Korean men's squad in July, presidential spokesperson Jeong Hye-jeon said in a written briefing.

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"The national team should be a source of pride for the people of Korea," Yoon was quoted as saying. "When it comes to selecting the coach of the national football team, which receives great attention and love from the public, the process must be fair and carried out responsibly from the beginning."
The ministry plans to announce the interim results of its probe on Wednesday.
During a parliamentary session last week, KFA President Chung Mong-gyu and other officials faced tough questioning over skipping its vetting process to appoint Hong after spending the five previous months interviewing foreign candidates.
Hong, who first coached Korea at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, defended the hiring process during the session and defied calls for his resignation.
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