Hana, KB Kookmin banks raise household loan rates

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Hana, KB Kookmin banks raise household loan rates

Pedestrians pass by ATMs from firms including KB Kookmin Bank and Woori Bank in Seoul on Tuesday. [YONHAP]

Pedestrians pass by ATMs from firms including KB Kookmin Bank and Woori Bank in Seoul on Tuesday. [YONHAP]

Pedestrians pass by ATMs from firms including KB Kookmin Bank and Woori Bank in Seoul on Tuesday. 
Major banks, including KB Kookmin Bank and Hana Bank, have begun raising interest rates on household loans after the country's home-backed debt hit a record high in August.
KB Kookmin Bank will raise its interest rates on both home mortgage and credit loans by 0.2 percentage points. Rates for jeonse, or lump-sum deposits, will also rise.
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