Lotte planning more Vietnam malls as Hanoi complex surpasses 10 million customers

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Lotte planning more Vietnam malls as Hanoi complex surpasses 10 million customers

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Lotte Mall Westlake Hanoi shopping mall in Vietnam [LOTTE SHOPPING]

Lotte Mall Westlake Hanoi shopping mall in Vietnam [LOTTE SHOPPING]

Following the success of Lotte Mall Westlake Hanoi, which brought in over 10 million customers within a year of opening, Lotte Shopping now plans to build more complexes in Vietnam.

The company said Tuesday that it is planning to build a commercial facility in Thu Thiem, located in Ho Chi Minh City, and is also considering additional sites for future shopping malls in Vietnam. 

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Lotte Mall Westlake Hanoi celebrated its first anniversary on Sept. 22.
The shopping complex reached the 10 million customer milestone on Sept. 10, surpassing the capital city's population of 8.6 million, according to Lotte Shopping on Tuesday.
Lotte Mall Westlake houses many of Lotte’s retail chains, including its shopping mall, supermarket, hotel, aquarium and cinema, resulting in a mega-complex that is 354,000 square meters (3.81 million square feet) in size.
The presence of the Korean brands in the shopping mall is one of the main reasons for the success of the Hanoi mall. Korean casual fashion brand MLB, kids’ cafe Champion 1250x, tteokbokki restaurant Dooki and Korean barbecue chain 2chadol are stores that sit in the top 10 percent when it comes to store revenue, according to the company.
The mall will celebrate its anniversary with product discounts. It also collaborated with a local artist to make "Thank You Hanoi" artworks — the sequel to the "Hello Hanoi" artworks it showcased during the opening. These will be placed around the shopping mall. 
Thank You Hanoi celebration at the Lotte Mall Westlake Hanoi in Vietnam [LOTTE SHOPPING]

Thank You Hanoi celebration at the Lotte Mall Westlake Hanoi in Vietnam [LOTTE SHOPPING]

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