Huneed Technologies to exhibit military networking solutions at Korean defense expo

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Huneed Technologies to exhibit military networking solutions at Korean defense expo

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Huneed Technologies' booth at Kadex 2024 [HUNEED TECHNOLOGIES]

Huneed Technologies' booth at Kadex 2024 [HUNEED TECHNOLOGIES]

Huneed Technologies will show off an array of its latest military networking technologies at Kadex 2024, a global defense exhibition kicking off Wednesday in Gyeryong, South Chungcheong. 
The Korean tech company will exhibit its datalink solutions, which allow high-resolution images and flight data acquired by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) on battlefields to be transmitted to command posts in real time, at the five-day event.

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A key feature of the technology is its tracking antenna system, which automatically detects UAVs within a 200-kilometer (124-mile) radius to secure stable communication and the reception of high-definition videos. It helps to allow a rapid response and strategic planning on the battlefield, Huneed said. 
Also on display will be a combatant video transmission system, which enables soldiers to send higher-quality videos to the command post through mobile ad hoc network data links. This can contribute to making faster decisions and enhance soldier survival. The system employs Korean encryption algorithms, making it suitable for special missions involving terrorism, border security and underground operations.
Huneed is also rolling out its high-capacity wireless transmission equipment at the show for the first time. In backbone mode, it offers a communication range of 100 kilometers and a data bandwidth of 400 megabits per second, crucial for military and emergency networks in areas lacking wired infrastructure. 

"Recent conflicts highlight the critical importance of real-time information sharing in modern warfare. Unmanned systems like drones significantly enhance situational awareness, leading to tactical innovations," said Huneed Technologies Chairman Eugene Kim. "Through our next-generation battlefield network solutions, Huneed is committed to providing key technologies that empower our military with advanced operational capabilities."

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