Defector steals village bus to return to North Korea, citing difficult life in the South

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Defector steals village bus to return to North Korea, citing difficult life in the South

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A view of a barricade installed in front of the Unification Bridge in Paju, Gyeonggi, in a file photo from 2021. [YONHAP]

A view of a barricade installed in front of the Unification Bridge in Paju, Gyeonggi, in a file photo from 2021. [YONHAP]

A defector living in South Korea stole a village bus and attempted to cross the Unification Bridge in Paju, Gyeonggi, to return to North Korea before being apprehended by police on Tuesday.
According to the Paju Police Precinct, the man, in his 30s, stole a village bus parked in a garage in Munsan-eup, Paju, around 1 a.m. Tuesday. The key had been left in the vehicle.
He was arrested at approximately 1:30 a.m. after driving the bus from south of the Unification Bridge toward the north, ignoring military guards blocking the way. He ultimately crashed the vehicle into a barricade.
The northern section of Unification Bridge is off limits to civilians and can only be passed after presenting a special pass. 

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The man, who defected from North Korea about 10 years ago, was confirmed to have lived in Sillim-dong in Seoul's Gwanak District until recently.
Police said the man testified his motive was a desire to return to North Korea, citing difficulties in life in South Korea.
He was not under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time. Police have booked him for further investigation into the case.

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