Autumn chill set to sweep Korea after nationwide rain on Armed Forces Day

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Autumn chill set to sweep Korea after nationwide rain on Armed Forces Day

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People walk in Seoul with umbrellas during Tuesday's rain. Temperatures are expected to drop significantly after the rainfall. [YONHAP]

People walk in Seoul with umbrellas during Tuesday's rain. Temperatures are expected to drop significantly after the rainfall. [YONHAP]

Autumn chill is expected to hit the nation following nationwide rain on Armed Forces Day on Tuesday. 
Most regions in Korea are anticipated to be cloudy with rain in the morning, but the weather will begin to clear up by late afternoon, according to the Korea Meteorological Administration. 
After the rain, temperatures are expected to drop significantly. As of 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, temperatures in Seoul were recorded at 18.3 degrees Celsius (64.9 degrees Fahrenheit), which is 6 degrees lower than the same time the previous day.   
Rain began in the greater Seoul area, extending to Incheon and the northern part of Gyeonggi, and will gradually expand to Gangwon and South Chungcheong. 
In the afternoon, the Gyeongsang area and the resort island of Jeju are also expected to experience rain.
People walk in Seoul with umbrellas under the rain on Tuesday. Temperatures are expected to significantly drop after the rain. [YONHAP]

People walk in Seoul with umbrellas under the rain on Tuesday. Temperatures are expected to significantly drop after the rain. [YONHAP]

While skies are forecast to clear in most parts of Korea, South Jeolla and South Gyeongsang may continue to see rain through the night, according to the weather agency.  
The rain has been mild, with average precipitation around 5 to 10 millimeters per hour in most regions. Jeju Island is expected to receive slightly more rain, with totals of up to 40 millimeters per hour.
Winds are also expected to be strong through Wednesday, especially around mountainous areas in Jeju and the eastern coastal area of Donghae.  

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