KT&G showcases cigarette lineups at tax-free exhibition in Cannes

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KT&G showcases cigarette lineups at tax-free exhibition in Cannes

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KT&G booth at the Tax Free World Association (TFWA) World Exhibition & Conference held from Sept. 30 to Thursday. [KT&G

KT&G booth at the Tax Free World Association (TFWA) World Exhibition & Conference held from Sept. 30 to Thursday. [KT&G

KT&G exhibited at the 2024 TFWA World Exhibition & Conference, a duty-free exhibition hosted by the Tax Free World Association (TFWA).
TFWA exhibition, the largest exhibition of its kind, took place Sept. 30 to Thursday in Cannes, France. The exhibition aims to foster the duty-free market. 

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KT&G’s exhibition booth displayed the tobacco company’s cigarette lineups, including Esse, Raison and Bohem, which are popular both in Korea and abroad.
“We were able to talk with a variety of overseas partnering companies to discuss new business opportunities and strengthen our brand identity,” KT&G said in a news release Wednesday. 
KT&G first joined the overseas tax-free market with the release of its 88 Light cigarettes in China. The company's products are currently available in around 320 duty-free stores in 150 cities around the world and in 28 of the top 30 airports in Asia.
“KT&G will expand to tax-free markets in Europe, the Middle East and Central and South America,” KT&G said.

BY CHO YONG-JUN [cho.yongjun1@joongang.co.kr]
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