Fila chief becomes fashion's first Van Fleet Award winner

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Fila chief becomes fashion's first Van Fleet Award winner

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Fila Holdings chairman Yoon Yoon-soo speaks after receiving the Van Fleet Award on Sept. 30 at The Korea Society's 2024 Annual Dinner held in New York City on Sept. 30. Yoon was awarded with former golfer Pak Se-ri. [FILA HOLDINGS]

Fila Holdings chairman Yoon Yoon-soo speaks after receiving the Van Fleet Award on Sept. 30 at The Korea Society's 2024 Annual Dinner held in New York City on Sept. 30. Yoon was awarded with former golfer Pak Se-ri. [FILA HOLDINGS]

Fila Holdings Chairman Yoon Yoon-su received the Van Fleet Award on Sept. 30, becoming the first from the fashion industry to receive the honor.
The General James A. Van Fleet Award is presented by the Korea Society, a U.S. nonprofit, to honor Koreans and Americans who have contributed to the Korea-U.S. relationship.
Yoon received the award at The Korea Society’s 2024 Annual Dinner in New York on Sept. 30.
Former professional golfer Pak Se-ri also received the award at the event. Pak is the first Korean woman to be honored.
The prize, named after the former U.S. Army commander, has been awarded annually since 1992.
Notable recipients include former President Kim Dae-jung, former United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, former U.S. President George W. Bush, Hyundai Motor Group Honorary Chairman Chung Mong-koo and late Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-hee.
“The progress we’ve made in the global fashion industry is a testament to the strength of U.S.-Korea ties,” Yoon, who is also the Chairman of the Board at the Acushnet Holdings, said at the event. “I am deeply committed to addressing the challenges faced by our industry and will continue working to ensure a sustainable future for the global community.”

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