North Korea resumes trash-laden balloon launches after 10-day pause

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North Korea resumes trash-laden balloon launches after 10-day pause

  • 기자 사진
Trash balloons from North Korea are spotted above Seoul on Sept. 23. [YONHAP]

Trash balloons from North Korea are spotted above Seoul on Sept. 23. [YONHAP]

North Korea resumed floating balloons carrying trash toward South Korea on Wednesday, military authorities reported, marking the first launch in 10 days.
"Considering the wind direction, balloons are likely to drift toward northern Gyeonggi and the capital region," the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said early Wednesday morning. Authorities advised citizens to be cautious of any falling objects and urged the public not to touch any discovered balloons but to report them immediately to the military or police.
This latest launch marks North Korea's first balloon activity since Sept. 22.
The JCS warned the following day that it would take "stern military action" if it is determined that North Korea's continued launch of trash balloons seriously threatens the safety of citizens or crosses a critical line.  
Since late May, North Korea has sent more than 5,000 balloons loaded with trash on more than 22 separate occasions, in response to anti-regime leaflets distributed by defectors and activists from South Korea. In retaliation, South Korea's military has been airing anti-North Korean broadcasts via loudspeakers along the border daily since July 21. However, due to safety concerns, they have opted not to shoot down the balloons directly.  

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