South Korean, U.S. security officials agree to combat North’s virtual asset heists

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South Korean, U.S. security officials agree to combat North’s virtual asset heists

Wang Yun-jong, third deputy national security adviser, speaks at a event in Seoul July 10. [NEWS1]

Wang Yun-jong, third deputy national security adviser, speaks at a event in Seoul July 10. [NEWS1]

South Korea and the United States have agreed to strengthen their cooperation in combating North Korea's stealing of virtual assets, the presidential office here said Thursday.
According to the office, Wang Yun-jong, the third deputy national security adviser, visited Washington from Monday to Wednesday and discussed the issue with Anne Neuberger, the U.S. deputy national security adviser for cyber and emerging technologies.

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Their talks also covered internet of things security and maritime cybersecurity.
Wang also attended the fourth round of meetings by the Counter Ransomware Initiative (CRI) for in-depth discussions on responding to ransomware and bolstering international cooperation in that area.
The U.S.-led CRI is an international consultative group founded in 2021 to ensure better defense against global ransomware threats.
"We will keep working closely with the international community against ransomware and other threats in cyber space," the National Security Office said in a statement. "We will strive to keep our people's daily lives safe."
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