SM's producer Kenzie to hold immersive exhibition this week

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SM's producer Kenzie to hold immersive exhibition this week

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Music producer Kenzie's media art exhibition ″Neo Paraspectrum″ poster [AMBERIN]

Music producer Kenzie's media art exhibition ″Neo Paraspectrum″ poster [AMBERIN]

K-pop's renowned music producer Kenzie will hold an immersive art exhibition this week titled "Neo Paraspectrum" in collaboration with tech company Amberin.
The exhibition will take place under the theme "Utopia: Paradox" at the S Factory exhibition hall in Seongsu-dong, eastern Seoul, from Thursday to Sunday and will transform Kenzie's hit songs into immersive audio-and-visual media artwork.

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Kenzie, whose real name is Kim Yeon-jung, has been acclaimed as the music producer who brought the iconic neo-pop future touch to songs performed by SM Entertainment artists.
Of her hit songs, recent tracks "Supernova" (2014) by aespa, "Hello Future" (2021) by NCT Dream and "Memories" (2023) by Riize will be turned into art using technology from Amberin, a company specializing in concert and media art organization.
Kenzie remake single cover [SM ENTERTAINMENT]

Kenzie remake single cover [SM ENTERTAINMENT]

The artworks have used 3-D modeling, motion capture and other advanced technology to illustrate a future world and the denizens that inhabit a city in it, according to Amberin.
"The exhibition will take place in a utopian Seoul amid an Earth devastated by climate change and exhaustion of resources," Amberin said in a press release.
"It asks the fundamental questions of human greed, conflict and hope that can be found in chaos."
Exhibition will take place from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Reservations can be made online. Tickets cost 16,000 won ($11.87).
The three songs will also be remade and released on Monday at 6 p.m. New music videos will also be released on Monday and Wednesday featuring artists from SM Entertainment's dance music label ScreaM Records.

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