Man arrested for creating, selling 4,300 deepfake sex videos of 72 female celebrities

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Man arrested for creating, selling 4,300 deepfake sex videos of 72 female celebrities

A file photo, provided by a reader, shows members of a chat room discussing deepfake sex videos. [YONHAP]

A file photo, provided by a reader, shows members of a chat room discussing deepfake sex videos. [YONHAP]

Police said Tuesday they have arrested a man in his 20s on charges of creating 4,313 sexually explicit deepfake videos of 72 female celebrities and selling them online.
The man created the deepfake pornographic videos with a self-developed program using generative artificial intelligence and earning 3.83 million won ($2,837) by selling them between January and March this year.

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Police also arrested a Chinese man in his 30s on charges of distributing 14,526 sexually explicit videos, including 20 deepfakes of female celebrities while operating an illegal pornography website from June 2023 up to last month.
The man reportedly earned 140 million won from promoting online gambling and other illegal content.
Police plan to refer the Chinese national to prosecutors this week and pursue the accomplices in China, as well as those who watched the illegal content online.
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