Raise the morale of our military swiftly

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Raise the morale of our military swiftly

More than half of military officers wearing insignia of senior rank are not happy with their profession. According to the Defense Ministry’s internal survey on senior officers, just 44.9 percent among 1,395 answered they were happy with their profession last year, a sharp decline from 71.9 percent among 1,459 officers in 2020. Their feeling of job security and hopeful prospects on their career fell to 27 percent from 40.1 percent during the same period. Pride about their job also sank, as their understanding of social appreciation of the military tumbled to 12.6 percent from 39.9 percent three years earlier.

The fact that just one out of 10 military officers feel pride in their uniform is shocking. Gone are the days when the military used to be considered one of the most secure jobs and up-to-date organizations. Given such low morale, we can deem the military is in crisis. This spells disaster for the country.

The Defense Ministry attributes the disgruntlement of senior officers to the spike in the exponentially increased salary and shorter service years of foot soldiers despite the stagnation of officers’ pay. The worsening working conditions, relatively short service years, and negative recognition of soldiers also contributed to the waning appreciation toward the military. But they partly resulted from military authorities.

The promises of shorter service years and higher pay for conscripted soldiers regularly come up during presidential elections. Authorities should have drawn up compensations for junior officers to relieve them of the feeling of being left behind. Instead, they forced allegiance to the flag and neglected fairer treatment. They are also blamed for ignoring a series of controversies related to the military — the political dispute over the removal of the busts of independent fighter Hong Beom-do from the military academy and corruption and breach of trust scandals.

American elite universities offer favors to reserve officers from military academies when they apply to law or business schools, as they take into account the leadership skills and commitment cultivated as a military commander. Neighbors visit the homes of soldiers returning from wars to express their gratitude and respect for fighting on their behalf.

Servicemen responsible for defending the nation against threats across the border should have high morale. The pay and other working conditions must improve for commissioned servicemen so that they can be fully dedicated to war readiness. Instead of merely waiting for an increase in the defense budget, authorities must reduce wasteful spending on souvenirs and gifts to better the standards of residence and educational environment for officers’ families. Raising the morale in the military must be one of the top tasks of the new defense minister.
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