Question from Yonsei University early admissions exam leaked before test

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Question from Yonsei University early admissions exam leaked before test

Students leave Yonsei University Sinchon Campus, Seodaemun District, western Seoul after taking the essay test for early admissions on Saturday. [YONHAP]

Students leave Yonsei University Sinchon Campus, Seodaemun District, western Seoul after taking the essay test for early admissions on Saturday. [YONHAP]

An essay question for a Yonsei University early admissions exam held Saturday was leaked to the public an hour before the test took place.

The university said the essay question was posted on an online community approximately one hour before the test began at the university's Sinchon Campus in Seodaemun District, western Seoul.

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Yonsei University held the exam for around 2,000 applicants who were attempting to enter its natural sciences track. The test was scheduled to take place from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m on Saturday.
The incident occurred when a supervisor at one of the test sites mistakenly distributed the test papers at 12:55 p.m. without collecting the mobile phones from the test takers who had already entered the room.  
In the process, one test taker took a photo of the test paper and posted the first question of the short answer mathematical essay section on an online community. Internet users posted solutions to the problem in response.  
Realizing the mistake, the supervisor re-collected the test papers about 25 minutes after they had been distributed, earlier than the scheduled start time.
Question 4-2 from the essay test as seen on the Yonsei University website on Sunday [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Question 4-2 from the essay test as seen on the Yonsei University website on Sunday [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Yonsei University’s admissions office acknowledged the leak and announced that it would investigate the details of the incident and take follow-up measures.  
"We will do our best to minimize the impact on students," said the university, adding that it planned to conduct investigations with admissions officials.
In a separate incident during the same test, an error was found in question 4-2, where the mathematical symbol “b” was mistakenly printed as “a.”  
The error caused a 20-minute delay, with the test ending later than scheduled, at 3:50 p.m. The admissions office notified all test takers of the correction 30 minutes before the test was to end and extended the test time by 20 minutes for all participants.

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