Yonsei University unveils metaverse campus 'Meta Yonsei'

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Yonsei University unveils metaverse campus 'Meta Yonsei'

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Meta Yonsei, a metaverse version of Yonsei University's Sinchon campus in Seodaemun District, western Seoul, is shown on the screen. [LG U+]

Meta Yonsei, a metaverse version of Yonsei University's Sinchon campus in Seodaemun District, western Seoul, is shown on the screen. [LG U+]

Yonsei University now has a metaverse version of its campus on LG U+'s Uverse, with students able to do online meetings with peers on the service.  
The virtual campus is named Meta Yonsei and is available on LG U+'s metaverse platform Uverse, according to the company on Tuesday.
Meta Yonsei recreates Yonsei University's Sinchon campus in Seodaemun District, western Seoul, with students able to walk inside buildings such as the Central Library, Engineering Building and Student Union Building.  
Although anyone with a Uverse ID can visit Meta Yonsei, access to certain buildings and lecture rooms is only available to users who signed up with a Yonsei University student email.
Users can enter meeting rooms in each building to open private online meetings, a feature also available only for Yonsei students. Students can use LG U+'s speech-to-text technology to transcribe meeting minutes.
LG U+ will add more features to Meta Yonsei.
The company plans to integrate features from Yonsei University's Learning Management System into Meta Yonsei, allowing students to listen to online lectures.
LG U+ will also host events such as freshman welcoming ceremonies, special lectures and joint cheering events with Korea University on Meta Yonsei in the future.
"Freshmen at the Songdo International Campus show a lot of interest in the concept of a virtual version of the Sinchon campus," said Park Tae-young, head of Yonsei University's Virtual Campus Project Committee. "We hope Gen-Z students, who are used to using virtual services, can enjoy the virtual campus by creating their own avatars and taking classes."

BY LEE TAE-HEE [lee.taehee2@joongang.co.kr]
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