SPC Group appoints Shinsegae's vice president as new CEO

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SPC Group appoints Shinsegae's vice president as new CEO

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SPC Group will appoint Shinsegae’s Lim Byung-sun as the company’s new CEO [SPC GROUP]

SPC Group will appoint Shinsegae’s Lim Byung-sun as the company’s new CEO [SPC GROUP]

SPC Group will appoint Shinsegae’s Lim Byung-sun as its new CEO, the bakery giant said Monday.
Lim previously served as a vice president in charge of Shinsegae's department store division. SPC Group's board will name him CEO in a meeting by the end of this week, the company said.
The new CEO will be in charge of human resources, legal affairs, public relations and corporate relations. Lim will also chair the SPC Way Committee, the consultative body consisting of SPC Group presidents.  
Incumbent CEO Do Sae-ho, will go on to oversee safety management and sustainable cooperation. Do is also the CEO of BR Korea, which handles the Korean branches of Baskin Robbins and Dunkin’.
“The new CEO will be at the forefront of the company to bring change and innovation to the corporate structure and strengthen communication within the company to achieve [SPC Group’s] goal of being the ‘global great food company,’” SPC Group said.
Lim, born in 1962, was in charge of Shinsegae’s furniture brand, Shinsegae Casa, before serving as the vice president of the conglomerate's department store division. 

BY CHO YONG-JUN [cho.yongjun1@joongang.co.kr]
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