Gov't to disclose child-related workplaces hiring sexual offenders on websites

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Gov't to disclose child-related workplaces hiring sexual offenders on websites

Gender Equality Vice Minister Shin Young-sook speaks during a meeting of the parliamentary gender equality committee at the National Assembly in western Seoul on Sept. 5. [YONHAP]

Gender Equality Vice Minister Shin Young-sook speaks during a meeting of the parliamentary gender equality committee at the National Assembly in western Seoul on Sept. 5. [YONHAP]

Information about whether sexual offenders are employed at child-related facilities will be available at the websites of local governments and regional education offices as part of efforts to ensure such offenders are not hired, the Gender Ministry said Tuesday.
Sexual offenders are not allowed to work at child-related facilities, but some have still found their way there by concealing their conviction records. Local governments and regional education offices carry out inspections once a year to check if sexual offenders work at such facilities.

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Currently, the results of such inspections are disclosed only on the Gender Ministry's website, but starting next year, the information will also be available on the websites of local governments and regional education offices that actually carry out inspections.
The measure, which is aimed at strengthening the responsibility of inspection agencies, was made possible when the Cabinet passed a revision Tuesday to the enforcement decree of the Act on the Protection of Children and Youth against Sex Offenders.
"With the revision of the bill, local residents will have better access to the inspection results," a ministry official said. "The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family will make the utmost efforts to protect children and youth from sexual crimes."
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