Independence activists who died abroad enshrined at national cemetery

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Independence activists who died abroad enshrined at national cemetery

Military officers carry memorial tablets of seven independence activists during an enshrinement ceremony at the Seoul National Cemetery in Dongjak District, southern Seoul, on Thursday afternoon. The seven independence activists that were enshrined in the ceremony died around Russia and Kazakhstan for Korean independence from Japanese colonial rule between 1910 to 1945. Held by the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, this is the first joint enshrinement ceremony held for independence activists abroad since the establishment of the cemetery. [NEWS1]

Military officers carry memorial tablets of seven independence activists during an enshrinement ceremony at the Seoul National Cemetery in Dongjak District, southern Seoul, on Thursday afternoon. The seven independence activists that were enshrined in the ceremony died around Russia and Kazakhstan for Korean independence from Japanese colonial rule between 1910 to 1945. Held by the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, this is the first joint enshrinement ceremony held for independence activists abroad since the establishment of the cemetery. [NEWS1]

Military officers carry memorial tablets of seven independence activists during an enshrinement ceremony at the Seoul National Cemetery in Dongjak District, southern Seoul, on Thursday afternoon.
The seven independence activists that were enshrined in the ceremony died around Russia and Kazakhstan for Korean independence from Japanese colonial rule between 1910 to 1945. Held by the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, this is the first joint enshrinement ceremony held for independence activists abroad since the establishment of the cemetery.

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