KB Kookmin Bank opens two more local branches in India

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KB Kookmin Bank opens two more local branches in India

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KB Kookmin Bank officials pose for a photo during an opening ceremony at its Pune branch in India on Oct. 16. [KB KOOKMIN BANK]

KB Kookmin Bank officials pose for a photo during an opening ceremony at its Pune branch in India on Oct. 16. [KB KOOKMIN BANK]

KB Kookmin Bank opened two more local branches in India, the bank said Sunday.
The opening ceremony came four months after the Korean bank received approval for the expansion from the Indian central bank.
With the latest opening of its branches in Chennai and Pune, where Korean businesses are actively operating, KB Kookmin Bank now has three branches in the country, including the Gurugram branch, which opened in 2019.
The Chennai and Pune branches will offer lending and deposit services and export financing, as well as retail and digital banking services, according to KB Kookmin Bank.

BY SHIN HA-NEE [shin.hanee@joongang.co.kr]
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