NewJeans' Danielle featured on cover of Esquire’s November issue

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NewJeans' Danielle featured on cover of Esquire’s November issue

NewJeans' Danielle from the November issue of Esquire magazine [ESQUIRE]

NewJeans' Danielle from the November issue of Esquire magazine [ESQUIRE]

NewJeans member Danielle was featured on the cover of Esquire fashion magazine. 
The fashion and lifestyle magazine unveiled the cover of its November issue on Monday, featuring Danielle and luxury brand Celine.

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As the global ambassador for the French luxury brand, Danielle showcased a variety of the brand's high-end outfits against the backdrop of an art hall stage and seating.
"Wearing Celine made me feel like a beautiful main character in a movie I used to watch," she said in the accompanying interview.  
"For this photo shoot, I sometimes transformed into a chic and elegant princess, and at other times, a lovely and glamorous artist,” the singer added. 
NewJeans' Danielle from the November issue of Esquire magazine [ESQUIRE]

NewJeans' Danielle from the November issue of Esquire magazine [ESQUIRE]

NewJeans' Danielle from the November issue of Esquire magazine [ESQUIRE]

NewJeans' Danielle from the November issue of Esquire magazine [ESQUIRE]

NewJeans' Danielle from the November issue of Esquire magazine [ESQUIRE]

NewJeans' Danielle from the November issue of Esquire magazine [ESQUIRE]

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