Footballer Cha Du-ri files for divorce

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Footballer Cha Du-ri files for divorce


Cha Du-ri

Footballer Cha Du-ri, who recently signed with FC Seoul, has filed for divorce.

The father of two submitted an official request to dissolve his marriage with his wife, surnamed Shin, at the Seoul Family Court last month, according to local news reports yesterday.

There has been tension in the relationship over Cha’s extended stints with overseas clubs. Shin wanted to return to Korea since Cha began playing for Celtic in Scotland back in 2010, according to Ilgan Sports, an affiliate of the Korea JoongAng Daily.

Cha resisted, though, as he was at the top of his career and coming back to Korea wasn’t an easy decision to make.

He has been playing overseas since gaining attention in the Korea-Japan World Cup match back in 2012.

In Europe, he has been a member of German clubs Dusseldorf and SC Freiburg.

Finally fed up, Shin came back to Korea alone last year while her husband remained abroad to continue his football career.

By Lee Sun-min
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