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요즘 아시아 문화계에서는 왕희지(王羲之: 307~365)가 화제다. 지난달 초 그의 유작으로 알려진 ‘매지첩(妹至帖)’ 모사본이 40억원 넘는 초고가에 홍콩의 경매장으로 나온다는 뉴스가 실렸다. 모사본 열일곱 글자에 40억원이니 진품이라면 값이 도대체 얼마나 될까. 이어 이 달에는 그의 필체를 알 수 있는 ‘유목첩(游目帖)’이 원래 모양대로 복원됐다는 소식이 나왔다.

내가 한 영작
Wang Xizhi ⓐhas made headlines recently among ⓑthe art lovers in Asia. The renowned calligrapher, who lived from 307 to 365, ⓒreceived a renewed spotlight recently as news that ⓓthe replica of his calligraphy ⓔwould come out at a Hong Kong auction house for more than 4 billion won($4.3 million) was announced early last month. If that’s what a replica of 17 characters is worth, what his original work would be worth boggles the mind. Following that, this month sees the news that a book that ⓕtells us his writing style was restored to its original status.

ⓐ has made  made 과거 시점에 일어난 하나의 사건을 서술하고 있는 것이므로과거시제로 표현
ⓑ 구체적으로 정해진 특정 집단을 가리키는 것이 아니므로 the 삭제
ⓒ received a renewed spotlight  was in the spotlight 영어에 자연스러운 표현으로 수정
ⓓ the replica  a replica 모든 사람들이 다 알고 있는 모사본이 아니라, 단순히 모사본 한 점을 뜻하는 것이므로 a로 수정
ⓔ would come out  would be offered 한국어 표현 그대로의 번역을 영어에 자연스러운 번역으로 수정
ⓕ tells us  describes 간결한 문어체로 수정

After proofreading
Wang Xizhi made headlines recently among art lovers in Asia. The renowned calligrapher, who lived from 307 to 365, was in the spotlight recently as news that a replica of his calligraphy would be offered at a Hong Kong auction house for more than 4 billion won ($4.3 million) was announced early last month. If that’s what a replica of 17 characters is worth, what his original work would be worth boggles the mind. Following that, this month sees the news that a book that describes his writing style was restored to its original status.

그의 필체를 흠모한 당 태종이 왕희지의 모든 작품을 거둬 들여 자신의 능묘에 함께 묻게 했다는 설여황제 무측천 역시 그 작품을 짝사랑해 묘실에 함께 매장토록 했다는 설이 전해진다. 그래서 그의 진짜 작품이 지금까지 한 점도 남겨지지 않은 것인가.

내가 한 영작
Several rumors exist regarding the whereabouts of Wang's writings. Some say Tai Zong of the Tang, who is the founding emperor of the dynasty, held Wang's writings so dearly that he ordered that every work of the legendary calligrapher be put into ⓐthe emperor's tomb. Others say the Empress Wu Zetian, the only woman ⓑin the Chinese history to became empress, coveted Wang's masterpieces and buried them with her in the tomb. ⓒWell, you never know if that is really why none of Wang Xizhi's writings ⓓwas left now.
ⓐ the emperor's tomb  his tomb 이미 앞 문장에 emperor가 언급되었으므로 중복을 피하기 위해 his로 수정
ⓑ in the Chinese history  in Chinese history 모두가 잘 알고 있는 특정 역사를 이야기하고 있는 것이 아니므로 the 삭제
ⓒ Well, you  We’ll
ⓓ was left now  are left 현재 상태에서 남겨져 있지 않은 것이므로 현재시제로 표현

After proofreading
Several rumors exist regarding the whereabouts of Wang’s writings. Some say Tai Zong of the Tang, who is the founding emperor of the dynasty, held Wang’s writings so dearly that he ordered that every work of the legendary calligrapher be put into his tomb. Others say the Empress Wu Zetian, the only woman in Chinese history to become empress, coveted Wang’s masterpieces and buried them with her in the tomb. We’ll never know if that is really why none of Wang Xizhi’s writings are left.
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