Big Bang singer in big trouble for lewdness

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Big Bang singer in big trouble for lewdness



G-Dragon, a popular boy band singer, was summoned and questioned by prosecutors on charges of giving an obscene performance in public during a concert last year.

The Bing Bang member appeared for questioning at 8:45 p.m. on Thursday and returned to his home at 10 p.m. after undergoing about one hour of questioning.

Prosecutors have asked him whether G-Dragon performed what was originally planned by his agency and whether he essentially mimicked sexual acts in front of his audience during the performance.

A video of the performance in question posted on a Naver blog shows G-Dragon on stage with a female, wearing a rather short skirt, strapped by her wrists to a bed that’s been positioned vertically.


Bing Bang member G-Dragon holds a female dancer closely during his concert last December at Olympic Stadium in southern Seoul. The concert caused a public outcry as G-dragon mimicked sexual acts with the dancer.

G-Dragon then proceeds to make advances on the woman, at one point standing face to face with her as she wraps her legs around his waist.

The summons came after the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Family Affairs filed a complaint to the prosecution that accused the 22-year-old singer of public obscenity during the concert at Olympic Stadium in December.

The Ministry argued that the singer’s controversial performance was too obscene for a majority of the audience that consisted of underage school students.

The prosecution will decide whether the idol singer’s performance was obscene by next week.

By Kim Mi-ju []
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