Prosecutors plan to fight judiciary reform bill

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Prosecutors plan to fight judiciary reform bill

After a parliamentary subcommittee announced a judiciary reform bill on Thursday, Prosecutor General Kim Joon-gyu held an emergency meeting with senior prosecutors to fight the bill, which will abolish the powerful Central Investigative Department of the Supreme Prosecutor’s office and increase oversight over corruption among prosecutors.

The National Assembly’s special committee for judiciary reform said Thursday it will push the bill to curb abuses of power by judges and prosecutors.

Prosecutors harshly criticized the plans to abolish the Central Investigative Department and launch a special team to investigate whether judges and prosecutors are involved in corruption or influence pedaling.

The Central Investigative Department, established in 1981 and directed by the Prosecutor General, played a key role in investigating scandals involving high-ranking government figures, such as former President Roh Tae-woo’s alleged slush funds in 1995 and corrupt practices of former President Kim Young-sam’s younger brother in 1997.

“Abolishing the Central Investigative Department, which has conducted investigations into high-profile government officials and large-scale financial crimes, disarms the guards against corruptions in Korean society,” Han Chan-sik, spokesperson for the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office, said Thursday.

“As for a special investigation team against prosecutors’ corruption,” he said, “it will waste state funds and labor.”

But Kim Dong-cheol, lawmaker for the Democratic Party who is on the committee that drafted the bill, said, “The Central Investigative Department has conducted too many investigations of politicians, prosecutors and judges without significant results because it is directed by Prosecutor General. The prosecutors’ objection to abolishment of the department means they won’t give up their current power.”

Closing the Central Investigative Department has been proposed since 2004. The Justice Ministry tried to abolish the department at that time but Song Kwang-soo, then-Prosecutor General, strongly resisted, saying, “I will decapitate myself if the department is affected.”

By Kim Hee-jin []

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이날 고검장회의에서 박용석 대검 차장, 차동민 서울고검장, 노환균 대구고검장, 한상대 서울중앙지검장 등 8명도 “중수부 폐지는 있을 수 없는 일”이란 입장을 정리했다. 이들은 차기 총장 후보로 꼽히는 인물이다. 고검장들은 “중수부가 있어야 외압에 굴하지 않고 수사를 제대로 할 수 있다” “여야 정치인들이 검찰 손 보기에 나선 것 아니냐”고 지적했다.

노무현 정부 때인 2004년에도 대선자금 수사 후 청와대가 ‘고위공직자비리조사처’ 신설을 추진하면서 중수부 폐지를 검토했었다. 이에 송광수 당시 검찰총장이 “내 목을 먼저 치라”며 강력 반발해 결국 무산됐다.

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