‘Source Code’ dazzles - up until the end
Published: 12 May. 2011, 20:45
“Source Code” represents his evolution as a director, now that he has a bigger cast and more expensive toys to play with. It’s swifter, glossier, more ambitious. And for a long time, it’s a thrilling and challenging puzzle based on a clever idea - until it pushes its central gimmick and gets too greedy at the end, that is.
It’ll make your brain hurt (in a good way) trying to determine whether it all makes sense - until it quite obviously and frustratingly doesn’t make sense anymore. It also aims for some emotional connections it doesn’t fully develop. Maybe we’re nitpicking needlessly, and should just let ourselves go with it. Still, it leaves you with the nagging sensation that this is a good film that could have been great, if only it had quit while it was ahead.
Based on a script by Ben Ripley, “Source Code” keeps us as consistently confused and off-guard from the start as its main character, U.S. Army Capt. Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal). And, to be fair to you, it’ll be tough to describe what happens here without giving the aforementioned fun-of-the-puzzle away. But we’ll try.
A decorated soldier from the battle in Afghanistan, Colter wakes up one morning, disoriented, on a commuter train heading toward Chicago. Across from him is a sweet and beautiful woman (Michelle Monaghan) whom he’s never seen before, yet she’s talking to him with the familiarity of a friend. He takes a quick glance at himself in the bathroom mirror and is startled to discover he’s in the body of another man, one he doesn’t know.
Within minutes, the train has blown up, killing everyone on board - but Colter suddenly finds himself still alive, strapped inside a crude metal pod, communicating by monitor with an Air Force captain (Vera Farmiga). She explains that he’s part of a special assignment called “Source Code,” designed to allow him to enter the body of another man for eight minutes. His task is to gain valuable information and hopefully prevent a later, larger terrorist attack.
And so Colter must go back and relive the same eight minutes over and over again, gleaning more details each time. Yes, this will probably remind you of “Groundhog Day,” but this is also where “Source Code” is at its most zippy and compelling - and, strangely, at its most plausible.
Gyllenhaal, who helped developed the character, makes Colter’s fear, anger and general discombobulation palpable, but “Source Code” also allows him some much-needed flashes of humor.
The supporting cast is strong down the line, including Jeffrey Wright as the coldly driven brains of the operation, and even in the choice of actors on the train who only get a couple of lines, but have significance with each eight-minute go-round.
The score is a little insistent and intrusive, especially compared to the gorgeous and haunting score from “Moon,” and Jones could have made more of an impact at times with silence. But we should probably quit while we’re ahead, too, and let you discover the secrets of “Source Code” for yourself - and decide whether they actually add up.
“Source Code” was released in Korea at theaters nationwide on May 4.
한글 관련 기사 [OSEN]
`소스 코드`, 남녀 모두에 거침없는 흥행 비결은
지난 4일 개봉한 SF 액션 블록버스터 `소스 코드`가 개봉 첫 주 만에 80만 관객을 돌파해 눈길을 끌고 있다.
영화 예매사이트인 맥스무비의 성별 예매 비율에 따르면 `소스 코드`를 찾는 관객들은 여성이 49%, 남성이 51%로 남녀 모두에게 고르게 어필하고 있다. 특히 20대 34%, 30대 37%에 이어 40대 이상 관객 비율 역시 26%를 차지하며 전체적으로 고른 연령층의 관객을 확보하고 있는 것으로 나타났다.
`소스 코드`에서 제이크 질렌할의 강인한 남성미와 섬세한 표정 연기 그리고 미셸 모나한과의 로맨스도 여성 관객을 끌어들이는 데 한 몫 했을 것으로 보인다.
한편 남성 관객에게는 `소스 코드`라는 소재와 파워풀한 액션신과 극한의 미션 수행 과정을 다룬 긴박감이 어필했을 것으로 보인다.
`소스 코드`는 최첨단 기밀 시스템으로 과거에 접속해 미래를 구하는 시공간 이동 프로그램 `소스 코드`를 소재로 다룬 독특한 설정과 스토리로 제 2의 `인셉션`이란 평을 받고 있다.
`소스 코드`는 `페르시아의 왕자`에서 연기력과 흥행성을 입증한 배우 제이크 질렌할과 `미션 임파서블 3`의 미셸 모나한이 주연을 맡았고 `더 문`으로 화려하게 데뷔해 영국 아카데미와 각종 영화제를 휩쓴 던칸 존스 감독이 메가폰을 잡았다.
with the Korea JoongAng Daily
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