After storms lash west, Muifa set to skirt Seoul

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After storms lash west, Muifa set to skirt Seoul

Hundreds of planes were grounded and thousands of ships were tied down yesterday, as vacationers were warned to stay away from beaches after Typhoon Muifa made its way past the southern and western coasts of the Korean Peninsula.

The Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) issued warnings for cities and counties bordering the South Sea and Yellow Sea and typhoon advisories for the northwestern part of the country, including Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi.

By 6 a.m. today, the typhoon is expected to be 125 miles southwest of Baengnyeong Island, moving faster than earlier forecasts. As of 8 p.m. yesterday, the typhoon was moving 13.5 miles per hour northward.

Jeju saw 291.5 millimeters of rain as of 5 p.m., breaking the daily precipitation record for August since record-keeping began in 1923. The previous record of 281.7 millimeters was set on Aug. 4, 1927, the KMA said.

The Category 1 typhoon, with winds up to 36 meters per second as of 12 p.m. yesterday, spread 10 to 60 millimeters of rain per hour in the country’s southwest, meteorologists said.

Waves pounded some parts of Jeju, rising 4 to 6 meters above sea level, leading the KMA to issue sea storm and tsunami warnings for the Jeju area.

At least 240 flights to and from Jeju International Airport were canceled, causing major disruptions and discomfort for passengers, stranding 30,000 tourists on the island. And hundreds of more flights around the country were grounded due to the weather.

Passenger ship operations were also put on hold, with around 3,000 ships taking refuge from the typhoon at Jeju ports.

One barge carrying two sailors, docking at Hwasun port in Seogwipo at 5:50 a.m., drifted away because of the typhoon before landing nearby. The two sailors were unharmed.

Twenty-three passenger ships were tied down at Yeosu’s ports, in addition to 90 passenger ships at Mokpo and Wando ports and around 30,000 ships at South Jeolla’s main ports.

Beaches along the western coast including Manseongri Beach in Yeosu and Haedoji Beach in Goheung banned the public from swimming.

“The North Pacific high pressure was less developed than expected, and the typhoon was observed leaning toward the Korean Peninsula more than we originally thought,” said a KMA official.

By Moon Gwang-lip []

Strong waves from Typhoon Muifa washed ashore large rocks from the sea onto a coastal road in Seogwipo, Jeju Island, yesterday. [YONHAP]

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 당시 가거도는 지난해 9월 태풍 ‘곤파스’ 때 파손된 방파제 공사를 하던 중 또다시 태풍 피해를 봤다. 특히 이번 태풍은 메아리 때 미처 복구하지 못한 방파제에 또 충격을 준 것이다. 박원호 신안군 가거도출장소장은 “육안으로 봤을 때 방파제 100여m 구간의 윗부분 2~3m 정도가 유실된 것 같다”고 말했다. 집채만 한 파도가 방파제를 넘어 곧장 마을을 덮치면서 바닷가에 있던 해경파출소와 보건진료소, 마을회관 등이 물에 잠겼다.

 가거도 방파제는 1978년 착공돼 2008년 5월 완공됐다. 착공 이후 ‘셀마’(87년), ‘프라피룬’(2000년), ‘라마순’(2002년) 등의 태풍에 공사 현장이 번번이 ‘쑥대밭’이 되면서 공사가 30년 넘게 걸렸다. 가거도의 최병국(68) 이장은 “가거도에서 60년을 넘게 살았지만 이렇게 강한 바람은 처음”이라고 말했다. 가거도는 목포에서 남서쪽으로 145㎞ 떨어져 있고, 흑산도에서 남쪽으로 75㎞ 지점에 있다.
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