‘Spartacus’ star dead

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‘Spartacus’ star dead


Andy Whitfield

LOS ANGELES - Andy Whitfield, who played the title role in the hit cable series “Spartacus: Blood and Sand,” has died at age 39, according to representatives and family.

Whitfield died Sunday in Sydney, Australia, 18 months after he was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, manager Sam Maydew told the Associated Press.

“On a beautiful sunny Sydney spring morning, surrounded by his family, in the arms of his loving wife, our beautiful young warrior Andy Whitfield lost his 18-month battle with lymphoma cancer,” Whitfield’s wife Vashti said in a statement. “He passed peacefully surrounded by love. Thank you to all his fans whose love and support have helped carry him to this point. He will be remembered as the inspiring, courageous and gentle man, father and husband he was.”

Andy Whitfield, who was born in Wales and moved to Australia in 1999, was a virtual unknown when he was cast as the legendary Thracian slave in “Spartacus,” a role made famous by Kirk Douglas in the 1960 Stanley Kubrick film.

The series proved a breakout hit for the Starz network and made waves with its graphic violence and sexuality. Whitfield appeared in all 13 episodes of the first season that aired in 2010 and was preparing to shoot the second when he was diagnosed with cancer.

While waiting for Whitfield’s treatment and expected recovery, the network produced a six-part prequel, “Spartacus: Gods of the Arena,” that aired earlier this year with only a brief voice-over from the actor. But in January after Whitfield’s condition grew worse, the network announced that another Australian actor, Liam McIntyre, would take over the role.

“We are deeply saddened by the loss of our dear friend and colleague, Andy Whitfield,’’ Starz President and CEO Chris Albrecht said in a statement Sunday night. “We were fortunate to have worked with Andy in ‘Spartacus’ and came to know that the man who played a champion on-screen was also a champion in his own life.”


한글 관련 기사 [머니투데이]

`스파르타쿠스`위필드, 악성림프종으로 11일 사망

미국 드라마 `스파르타쿠스`의 주연 앤디 위필드(Andy Whitfield)가 비호지킨림프종(non-Hodgkin Lymphoma)투병 끝에 숨졌다.

12일 AP통신 등 외신에 따르면 위필드는 지난 11일(현지시간) 호주 시드니에서 숨졌다. 향년 37세.

1974년 영국 웨일스에서 태어난 위필드는 호주에서 생활해 왔다. 2004년 드라마 `올 세인츠`로 데뷔한 고인은 영화 `가브리엘`, `더 클리닉` 등에 출연했다.

지난 2010년 국내에서도 방영돼 인기를 끈 `스파르타쿠스` 시즌1의 주인공 스파르타쿠스 역을 맡아 인상적인 연기를 펼쳤다.

시즌2를 준비하던 2010년 초 악성림프종인 비호지킨림프종 진단을 받고, 하차했다. 이후 투병 생활을 이어왔다.

한편 `스파르타쿠스`는 고대 로마 공화정 말기, BC 73~71년 일어난 노예들의 반란과 그 중심에 섰던 지도자 `스파르타쿠스`의 실제 이야기를 모티브로 한 액션시리즈다.

시즌2 주인공으로는 호주 출신의 신예 리암 매킨타이어가 스파르타쿠스로 활약했다.

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