Korean literature needs a wave, too

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Korean literature needs a wave, too


I am a writer. Ever since my debut novel, I have written a new book every year and continue to publish various works as well. I wrote my first novel at the age of 11 and have never been lazy in my 40 years of writing. However, I did refrain from writing for some 10 years, when I became frustrated with my meager talent. But even at that time, I was studying and trying to tame my reckless desire and passion. Now, I don’t think of literature as a tool for my accomplishments; I think I can be a tool for literature.

However, writing is not my main job. I don’t think I can make a living by writing novels. The population that uses Korean language is not large enough, and the market for Korean writers is not very big. More than 30 percent of Koreans do not read a single book in a year, and each person spends less than 20,000 won ($18.60) on books. So I wouldn’t dare to try and make a living as a writer. Yet some people hope a Korean Wave in literature, just like K-pop and television dramas, will create more international popularity.

On Monday, the Korean Novelists Association held a new writers’ forum titled “The Globalization of Korean Novels.” The same day, it was reported that poet Ko Un received the Golden Wreath award by Struga Poetry Evenings in Macedonia. However, the speaker of the forum and Dankook University professor Kwon Young-min concluded that the poet was pessimistic about any Korean Wave in literature.

The biggest obstacle is the absence of translators. While the Literature Translation Institute of Korea translates seven or eight novels a year, that does not mean foreign readers will read them. The name of the translator is a key standard when readers choose a book. “Snow Country” by Yasunari Kawabata, the first Japanese person to win the Nobel Prize for literature, was accepted by American readers in part because it was translated by the acclaimed translator Edward Seidensticker. A star translator can attract foreign readers. However, there is no acclaimed foreign translator that specializes in Korean literature. Professor Kwon said that more investment needs to be made in training foreign translators rather than providing subsidies for translations. But that cannot happen overnight.

The popularity of K-pop was made possible by the strength of Korea’s fans. A Korean Wave in literature would also require Korean readers’ support and affection. When Koreans appreciate Korean literature, foreign readers will pay attention. It is the age of video, and print is not sensational. However, print is essential for expanding intellect and emotion. When readers pursue the prosperity of mind over sensual satisfaction, literature will blossom again. But for now, encouraging Korean readers to appreciate Korean literature is more challenging than training quality foreign translators.

*The author is an editorial writer of the JoongAng Ilbo.


나는 작가다. 소설로 등단한 후 매년 꼬박꼬박 작품을 발표했고 부지런히 단행본도 출간했다. 11살 때 첫 소설을 쓴 이래 40년간 문학에 게으르지 않았다. 물론 펜을 꺾었던 10여 년이 있었다. 열망이 재능을 압도했던 젊은 시절, 재능의 초라함에 화를 이기지 못해서였다. 돌아보면 그조차 무모한 욕망의 열기를 식히기 위한 습작기였던 것 같다. 덕분에 이젠 문학이 나의 성취를 위한 도구가 아닌 내가 문학의 도구가 되어도 좋다는 생각에 도달할 수 있었다.
그러나 문학은 내 생업이 아니다. 소설만 써서 먹고 살 수 있을 거라고 생각하지도 않는다. 한글 인구가 적어서 한글을 쓰는 작가의 시장은 원래 좁다. 게다가 연간 책 한 권 안 읽는 국민이 30%가 넘고, 일인당 책 사는 데 2만원도 안 쓰는 등 책 안 읽기로는 세계에서 손꼽히는 터라 독자도 없다. 이런 터에 문학으로 먹고 살겠다는 건 언감생심이다. 그래서 문단에선 K팝이나 드라마처럼 문학 한류를 소원하는 얘기가 나온다. 지난 월요일 한국소설가협회가 연 2014 신예작가포럼 주제도 '한국소설 세계화의 길'이었다. 이날, 고은 시인이 마케도니아의 ‘스트루가 국제 시축제’의 황금화환상 수상자로 선정됐다는 소식이 전해진 터다. 한데 주제강연을 했던 권영민(단국대 석좌교수) 교수는 "한국 소설의 한류는 비관적"이라고 결론지었다. 최대의 난관은 번역자가 없다는 것. 한국문학번역원이 매년 7~8권씩 번역하지만, 문제는 번역만 한다고 외국 독자가 보는 건 아니라는 것이다. 번안소설은 누가 번역했는가가 독자의 선택기준이 된다.
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