Park Hyung-sik signs with United Artists

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Park Hyung-sik signs with United Artists


One of Korea’s most sought-after free agents, Park Hyung-sik, signed with United Artists Agency on Wednesday.

The actor and former member of boy group ZE:A had decided not to renew a seven-year contract with his former agency, Star Empire Entertainment, which also meant cutting ties with ZE:A. With some of the group’s other members on leave for military service, ZE:A’s future is still up in the air.

Park has put his singing career aside to focus on acting ever since he appeared in the 2012 SBS drama “Dummy Mommy,” and with his United Artists contract, it seems he’ll be dedicating all his time to acting.

United Artists is an international agency representing big-name artists like Mariah Carey and Chris Brown as well as Korean stars like Ha Ji-won and Song Hye-kyo.

Park recently earned praise for his appearance in the JTBC comedy “Strong Woman Do Bong-soon,” where he played a conglomerate scion. The show was the cable channel’s most highly-rated program, with 9 percent viewership.

By Kim Jung-kyoon
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