[앵커브리핑] '골목성명, 공항성명 그리고…' (Alley statement and airport statement)

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[앵커브리핑] '골목성명, 공항성명 그리고…' (Alley statement and airport statement)


뉴스룸의 앵커브리핑을 시작합니다.

This is today’s Anchor Briefing.

1995년 12월 2일 찬바람 부는 겨울의 초입. 그는 꼿꼿한 목소리로 성명을 읽어내려 갔습니다.

On Dec. 2, 1995, when the cold winter wind was blowing through in the streets, former president Chun Doo Hwan, in a steady voice, read a prepared statement in an alleyway near his home in Seoul.

검찰의 출두 통보 바로 다음날 오전 9시에 전격 단행된 이른바 '골목성명'이었습니다. 방송사들은 급히 특보를 편성해 내용을 중계했죠.

It was the so-called alley statement that Chun read out at 9 a.m. the morning after the prosecutors issued him a subpoena. Broadcasters hastily dispatched TV crews to the alleyways of Yeonhui-dong to air the breaking news live.

"온 나라가 극도로 혼란과 불안"… 전 정권을 "타도와 청산의 대상으로 규정한 것은 좌파 운동권의 일관된 주장"… 검찰 수사는 "현 정국의 정치적 필요에 따른 것"…

“The whole country is in the extreme chaos and anxiety”… “The allegation that the former administration should be cleansed and liquidated is repeating what leftist activists have argued” … “The prosecutors embarked on their investigations into me, giving in to the political demands.”

*liquidate: 청산하다
*give in to~ :~ 에 굴복하다

군형법상 반란수괴 혐의를 받은 전직 대통령의 뒤편에는 측근들이 도열해 있었고 그의 목소리엔 노기가 서려있었습니다. 그리고는 호기롭게 국립현충원에 참배했고 고향인 합천으로 내려가 버렸지요.

While reading his statement, Chun’s close aides were lined up behind him, and he was fuming at being accused of being a leader of the insurrection according to the military criminal code. Afterwards, he pompously continued on to visit the Seoul National Cemetery to pay his respects and then went down to his hometown in Hapcheon, North Gyeongsang.

*fume: 씩씩대다
*insurrection: 반란
*pompous: 호기롭다

그리고 찬바람 가득했던 지난 일요일. 22년 전 연희동 골목길에서 들어보았던 익숙한 단어들은 또다시 시민들의 앞에 등장했습니다.

On Nov. 12 while the cold winds blew, the people of Korea, once again, heard similar words to the ones that were spoken by Chun 22 years ago in that alleyway of Yeonhui-dong.

"개혁이냐, 감정풀이냐, 정치적 보복이냐…" "국론을 분열"시키고 "외교 안보를 더욱 위태롭게 만든다"

“Is [the current administration’s movement to liquidate former governments’ misdeeds] a reform or a political retaliation? Whatever it is, it is only disrupting public opinion and pushing national security into a risky situation.”

*misdeed: 악행

4분에 걸친 이른바 '공항성명'이었습니다. 그의 목소리에도 또한 '역정'이 묻어났습니다.

This time, it was the “airport statement,” issued by the former President Lee Myung-bak for four minutes. His voice contained a similar smack of fury as Chun’s did years ago.

*smack: 낌새, 기미

마치 데자뷰와도 같이 다른 듯 닮아있었던 1995년의 골목성명과 2017년의 공항성명.

Like déjà vu, the 1995 alley statement and the 2017 airport statement were spoken by different former presidents, but they were strangely alike.

하긴… 연희동 골목성명에 담겨있었던 그 말들은 바로 얼마 전 또 다른 전직 대통령의 법정 진술에도 등장했다 하니 청산 대상이 된 전직 대통령들에게는 이른바 표준 작문법이라도 있는 것인지도 모르겠습니다.

Similarly, the wording of the alley statement also appeared in another former president’s testimony in court a few days ago. I guess that there is a certain standard composition that former presidents follow when they are investigated for corruption charges.

그러나 결기 있게 쏟아낸 주장은 되레 그가 처한 현실을 더욱 극명하게 드러내 주고 있었으니…

However, his words which were spoken with vehemence only made his predicament more obvious.

*predicament: 곤경

당시의 국방장관은 구속 수감되어 "우리 편을 뽑으라" 했다는 대통령 지시를 실토했고 이른바 '우리 편'으로 구성된 국가정보기관 요원들이 댓글과 내부사찰에 매진하는 사이에 정작 안보에는 구멍이 뚫려 북한 김정일의 사망조차 파악하지 못했습니다.

The defense minister during Lee administration revealed Lee’s order to “hire our side.” The former defense minister was detained for further investigation. Intelligence agents made up of those from “our side” were so immersed in manipulating public opinion and surveilling insiders, they failed to catch the news that former North Korean leader Kim Jong-il had died, exposing a big hole in the national security.

*immerse: 몰두하다

22조 원을 쏟아 부은 4대강 비난 여론을 잠재우기 위해서… 더 나아가서는 차기 대선판마저 흔들기 위해서 막대한 댓글 비용을 지불했다는 의심을 받고 있는 정권, 그 정권의 수장이 역정을 섞어 던진 안보와 경제라는 단어를 어떻게 받아들여야 할 것인가…

To subdue criticisms regarding the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project, which cost 22 trillion won, and to execute an online smear campaign against liberal presidential candidates, it is suspected that the Lee administration spent quite a fortune. Listening to what Lee said, how can the public interpret the words “security” and “economy”?

*subdue: 가라앉히다

다른 듯, 닮은… 1995년의 골목성명과 2017년의 공항성명. 그들이 걱정한 것은 나라의 안위였을까, 그들의 안위였을까…

Different, but similar… the 1995 alley statement and the 2017 airport statement. I am curious to find out whether those who made those statements were truly looking out for the national interest, or were concerned about their own interests.

오늘(13일)의 앵커브리핑이었습니다.

That is all for today’s Anchor Briefing.

Broadcast on November 13, 2017

Translated for November 15, 2017

Translated and edited by Lee Jae-lim and Brolley Genster
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