Microdot steps away from TV work

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Microdot steps away from TV work

Rapper Microdot will be stepping away from all the TV shows he has been appearing in after allegations of fraud were made against his parents last week.

On Monday afternoon, local police put in a request to Interpol to publish a Red Notice for the rapper’s parents - a request “to locate and provisionally arrest an individual pending extradition.”

On Nov. 19, an anonymous online user came forward with a post that said the rapper’s parents fled the country after stealing money from their close acquaintances, including friends and family. According to the post, the rapper’s parents stole the money in 1997, fled the country in 1998, and the 10 people claiming they were scammed by the rapper’s parents filed a report to police in 1999.

Though many initially defended the rapper, saying that the wrongdoings of his parents should not affect his career, some became suspicious when, instead of apologizing, Microdot threatened to sue for defamation.

But after more people came forward to say that they were also victims of the scam, the rapper released a formal apology. But it was too late for many.

On Sunday, Microdot put out a press release saying that he will be “stepping down from all programs” without explaining any further details.

The rapper has recently become a regular on many shows, including Channel A’s “City Fisher” and JTBC’s “Come and See Me,” and was scheduled to be a part of the upcoming Olive show, “Pocha Beyond Borders.”

By Yoon So-yeon

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