Yonsei establishes graduate school for AI, computer science and software

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Yonsei establishes graduate school for AI, computer science and software

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Yonsei University's campus in Seodaemun District, western Seoul [YONSEI UNIVERSITY]

Yonsei University's campus in Seodaemun District, western Seoul [YONSEI UNIVERSITY]

Yonsei University announced Friday that it established the Graduate School of Computing, accepting the inaugural class in the spring 2025 semester.
The graduate school will offer two majors: an artificial intelligence major and computer science and software major.

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Students enrolled in the computer science and software major will be able to study the basics of computer science, ranging from operating systems to algorithms. The curriculum will also delve into technologies used for AI systems, big data and the digital transformation.

The artificial intelligence major will teach students about various AI-related fields such as natural language processing, large language models, computer vision, data science and AI model optimization.
Students will be able to use the university's AI data center as well as be given the opportunity to learn new technologies through various seminars by computing and AI professionals.
The graduate school has an admissions quota of 70, with the university planning to release admissions guidelines for the graduate school next week.
Yonsei University established the College of Computing, which offers bachelor's degree programs, in 2022. Many of the college's faculty will be teaching and leading research projects at the Graduate School of Computing as well.
"We will leverage Yonsei University's outstanding human resources, renowned infrastructure and extensive industry and research networks both on and off campus to foster top talent in the fields of computer science, software and artificial intelligence," said Cha Ho-jung, dean of the Graduate School of Computing.

BY LEE TAE-HEE [lee.taehee2@joongang.co.kr]
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